
Chemicalreagent420 t1_ja71h4h wrote

Yeah but that’s only like 2-5% of meds most today that are super common prescribed are synthetic. That doesn’t mean it’s bad at all because most things that grow naturally are trying to kill you so man made stuff can be safer then plant based meds. At one time when hydrocodone was the number 1 prescribed drug In American it’s semi-synthetic from thebaine in the poppy plant and that pill/syrup tasted really good and still does in my opinion. There are other meds like ambien that taste like shit but klonpin taste like candy and these should not taste good at all because it just makes them all that lore appealing to kids. Like adderall taste like sweet candy too and that is marketed highly to kids. That’s also just 5-10% of the meds there are so so many thanks to the wonders of chemistry.