ChemiluminescentAshe t1_j0vvk3k wrote
Reply to Dentist recommendations? by DrMontalban
Been to Modern Family Dentistry twice. First went fine, second was ROUGH despite asking her to be more gentle.
ChemiluminescentAshe t1_it62wq6 wrote
Reply to comment by ComplexAromatic7178 in Caven Point Rd - new pavement, new lines, new bike lanes -- in pristine condition! by PsychologicalAd1153
Otherwise this is a suicide lane
ChemiluminescentAshe OP t1_j9d5gek wrote
Reply to comment by LootFroop in Is there any particularly safe way to cross 12th and 14th St before the tunnel? by ChemiluminescentAshe
Painfully obvious in retrospect. Thank you.