
CherishAlways t1_jeaukxc wrote

As I've grown older, wiser, and more wealthy, my credit score has gone to the bottom of my worry list. I had my identity stolen while in the military and had to deal with fraudulent accounts going to collection and screwing up my credit. I went through the process to clear it all up and everything was good again.

Now I'm 35 with a house and good job, I care much more about my retirement accounts, savings, etc., than my credit score. I got a notification that another fake account went to collections, taking my account down 100 points to low 700's. And I really don't care at this very moment. When I'm bored one day, I'll submit the paperwork to get it cleared out. But it doesn't matter much to me at this point in my life.

When I go to buy another house, I'll make sure it's all cleaned up. But my point is to not fret about the score too much. Build wealth instead.