
ChicagoMarketer OP t1_iyb8hsc wrote

I really tried hard not to be vague but even if there's a solid 150-movie list that would be amazing because films that don't include blockbusters and hover in that weird strata of being good, if not great, movies but aren't recognized in most lists. Believe me when I say that I'm always looking at 80s lists and I see all the usual big-time films. Bring on the cheese!


ChicagoMarketer OP t1_iyaynkj wrote

Not going to lie, Dan Aykroyd in Twilight Zone messed me up for a long time. ;D That movie is so good. Solid stories, not one clunker in there. Never have seen Stakeout but know it's a Dreyfuss/Estevez movie and I can't believe I never watched it because I am a HUGE Men at Work fan (coming to Blu in January...). Little Nikita I heard of but never saw (and it's a River Phoenix film!) but these are going on the list.


ChicagoMarketer OP t1_iyay3d1 wrote

DUDE. Jordan. I'm telling you, it was a sign then that I found women like her to be so awesome. Smart, quirky, funny, a little on the weird side, you can have all the Caroline's from Sixteen Candles you want, I wish there were more like Jordan.


ChicagoMarketer OP t1_iyaxmtv wrote

I absolutely remember this box art in the video store. I never saw it, don't think I've ever seen a trailer for it, but after pulling it up and seeing it was a Cannon release I am all the way in. I cannot believe I've lived this long and not heard more about this one.


ChicagoMarketer OP t1_iyawyd2 wrote

>Brazil Princess Bride Legend Breakfast Club Transformers (animated movie.) Flight of Dragons Black Cauldron

I own Brazil but haven't ever watched it (I have dozens of movies I've bought but haven't yet unwrapped), Legend is absolutely one of those blind spots (Cruise, Ferris' girlfriend, Ridley Scott directed??), and Flight of Dragons is a Rankin and Bass joint?? As well, Black Cauldron, never saw it, and my mind is blown that it was a Disney production.

And so MUCH YES for the Transformers movie and I would put GI Joe on that list as well.


ChicagoMarketer OP t1_iyaw0w3 wrote

All solid suggestions here! I have not seen a single one of these films. BUT, I can see so many of the box art for the VHS'. Zardoz looked demented (in a good way), Robot Jox looked like a hoot (fun fact: when License to Drive came out, it was prohibitively too expensive to buy or I just couldn't get it, but this was the dawn of Pay-Per-View and I remember ordering it just so I could have a copy of it and Robot Jox was also one of the other movies available for PPV; all I remember is some dude yelling he was going to kick his (explosion) and a wildly fake robot doing a cracking of the knuckles motion).


ChicagoMarketer OP t1_iyav4t4 wrote

Bachelor Party was an absolute NO GO around my house but, of course, I would wait to set the VCR to tape it and then hide the cassette until I could watch it later. I mean, there was a whole PROCESS into recording something (you had to make sure the cable box was on, that it was on the right channel, that you had enough tape, and don't even get me started on SLP, EP or SP). It's an amazingly funny move and I never saw Volunteers so I would be interested to hear how it holds up. I was absolutely in the bag for Tom Hanks (Splash, Big) but I think my favorite HBO memory of his is watching The Money Pit. To this day I'll always remember the delivery of the line "I'll not like you anymore" as Peak Hanks.


ChicagoMarketer OP t1_iyau90e wrote

Never heard of Solarbabies before (Jami Gertz?? And Andy the weird boyfriend from Singles???) but that's now on the list. Monster Squad is such a classic and so glad it received the documentary treatment. Golden Child is great too. I just looked because I wanted to see how much it made, did you know it generated $148M on a budget of about $20M? I did not know that until right now. It absolutely gets disqualified from this ranking for how much it crushed at the box office. ;D


ChicagoMarketer OP t1_iyatq92 wrote

Solid, solid movie. No joke, I remember watching Mask on HBO and I remember absolutely loving it and being equally devastated by the ending. Eric Stoltz doesn't get enough credit as an actor. I know he was "this close" to being Marty McFly.


ChicagoMarketer OP t1_iyatf8i wrote

Yes! This is exactly what I'm talking about. I've heard of Easy Money but never watched it and I cannot believe I've never heard of Making The Grade (Judd Nelson!) or Big Man on Campus (which stars the guy from How I Got Into College??).


ChicagoMarketer OP t1_iy6zdtm wrote

It holds up perfectly. Amazing movie from beginning to end. And, fun fact, to this day whenever I have to give a fake name for something I *always* use Charles De Mar. Not only is that "De" in there for no good reason, and he wears a top hat, but whenever I hear that name in my head I always hear Roy Stalin right behind it with his pitch-perfect "Shut up, geek" rejoinder. Charles looks so happy to share his name only to have Roy steal that man's sunshine. Hilarious every single time. (It's the little things, right?)


ChicagoMarketer OP t1_iy6xwae wrote

Cannonball Run...I mentioned Cannonball Run part 2 and, seriously, I don't think I know the difference between the two movies because of how often they both played on HBO. Hahaha... And RIP to Jack Elam (the crazy doctor) who, although he didn't know it at the time, taught me how much I love great character actors.


ChicagoMarketer OP t1_iy6xnfk wrote

Gleaming the Cube! Always have heard of it, never have watched it. Now on the list. Beastmaster, man, I have a cousin who swears by this movie and I've *never* watched it. I think I've caught snippets of it here and there. But, still, I'll add this to the list.


ChicagoMarketer OP t1_iy6xcbo wrote

Repo Man! I had a list of movies I've heard of but never watched and that was on the top of the list. Is it a good movie? I would imagine it is because you recommended it.

Also, and you can tell me if you've seen these, how do these rate:

After Hours?

Miracle Mile?

Valley Girl?

Buckaroo Banzai?

Repo Man?

A Night in the Life of Jimmy Reardon?

Pee-Wee's Big Adventure I saw in the theater as a little guy (and I still remember the theater experience it was that transcendent) but, for sure, that's an amazingly popular movie and for good reason.