
ChuChuMan202 t1_iu3l5yn wrote

ATO is just one subsystem of the Automatic Train Supervision (ATS) system. Automatic Train Protection (ATP) is what failed that led to the loss of life.

Even still, WMATA's ATO needs some work. It doesn't work like it is meant to when it is occasionally tested. Also, there have been some roadway worker protection procedure updates that make ATO unwieldy.


ChuChuMan202 t1_itso8jc wrote

There was a recent one-time posting for people to apply for being a train operator to get people in place for the opening of the Silver Line Phase 2. However, historically and currently, the only way to become a WMATA train operator is to start as a bus operator. Bus operators then bid for open operator positions on the rail and are awarded them based on seniority.