
CianuroConLove t1_j6kst88 wrote

Reply to comment by Rabid_Kiwi in Walking parrots by FrankieGS

I don’t think you are my opponent or a hater.

It was just an observation.

I mean a lot of animals kill their own species and they kill other animals.. you arguments are kinda dumb and empty lol

Edit to say: dolphins rape each other, so that means it’s ok to rape? A lot of animals kill each other and younglings or abandon their offspring… so if they do it it’s ok for humans to do it?

I’m just trying to get you to understand that your analogies as you are presenting them, don’t work. And if a spix is still alive and we can someday release it back into the wild, that’s a win.


CianuroConLove t1_j6kqk2d wrote

Reply to comment by Rabid_Kiwi in Walking parrots by FrankieGS

You know, that same argument can somehow be used for racism. Some humans in x part of the world are less because their genes are not as original or pure because they are more mixed or whatever…

For me, if it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck it’s a damn duck.
