
CircaSixty8 t1_jeeck5r wrote

A 90-minute round trip daily commute is 7 ½ hours a week. That's a full work day. On top of which you're losing a day off by working 5 days instead of 4.

Plus, you're going to end up spending about 50 extra dollars a week on gasoline. Not to mention all the extra money you are going to spend on lunches.

If I were you I would not take it and try to find other ways of making extra money instead.


CircaSixty8 t1_j6p5rks wrote

Stop trying to get a loan. Even if you did did get approved, you'd still have what two more years of college after that. Where are you going to get the the remaining 34,000 you'll need?

You could try asking the school if they can give you some kind of financial waiver, and they might do that for a semester, but in the long run you're still going to have to come up with a lot of money.

Your best bet is to put your matriculation at the University hold and enroll in the nearest junior or community college. You'll get the same level of education for far less financial strain.


CircaSixty8 t1_j6nzbfb wrote

You probably can afford it, but consider finding something cheaper and saving the rest. I'm currently leasing a 2021 Mazda 3, my payments are $350 a month. I would consider paying more but it would have to be for better car.


CircaSixty8 t1_j6nxbr9 wrote

Why would you delete it? Stand by what you said. Just because the first five or six people didn't resonate with it today doesn't mean it wasn't worth saying. You'll never influence anyone if you're going to act like a petulant child when people don't throw you a parade for every thought. You might want to throw in a hefty dose of humility while you're at it.


CircaSixty8 t1_j6m68f8 wrote

I'm not trying to be mean, unless there's a significant amount of medical or student loan debt involved, a poor credit score at the age of 40 is the result of ongoing bad financial choices.

There's nothing even close to realistic about getting an SUV with 25,000 miles on it for $10,000, and besides, driving a gas guzzling SUV 600 miles a week is a terrible idea.

I'm sorry, but you're talking about a grown man, right? Why are you figuring out his problems for him?

Edited for typos