
CitronOk6191 t1_j9eyqgo wrote

You can have all the gruesome fun you want with Issei Sagawa that dude made an entire living out of eating a fellow college student in Paris back in the early 80s. he even made his own pornography where he acted with fellow female actors and then told the female actors about his past crime eating a woman and then recorded their reactions as again, more porn for his personal entertainment. Vice did a whole interview with him. It’s super fucked up.


CitronOk6191 t1_j9erehp wrote

Anything written by serial killers that gets slipped into publishing markets like the Robert pickton biography that was self published on Amazon that got pulled. I also am not a fan of anything written by Peter Sotos, some of his interviews are interesting I guess if you’re into his music career but a lot of his rhetoric is written in the perspective of the abuser. Gates of Janus by Ian Brady is also garbage. Anything written by my grandfather is also garbage.