
ClancyHabbard t1_j4yglio wrote

I had surgery at a hospital that did that. It was a fucking nightmare, I kept getting woken up all night. I was about ready to snap by the time I was allowed to leave.


ClancyHabbard t1_ive0s68 wrote

Placentas don't really do well after about 42 weeks (a normal human pregnancy is about 40 weeks), so that would also be an issue that would need to be solved.


ClancyHabbard t1_ircnrug wrote

Oh, we most definitely will be trying other foods, because there's no way I'm going all the way to Hawaii and not eating American food (I'm American and it's been nearly a decade since I've been home, I'm homesick for American food at this point), but him being comfortable is also important. We plan to also visit some relatives in Seattle, but I know where to get food that will make him happy there.


ClancyHabbard t1_ircjcir wrote

Are there ones in Hawaii? Honestly, that's a relief to me. My husband is Japanese and wants to visit the US, mainly Hawaii, and I was worried about the culture/food shock. He really doesn't do western style food well unless it's very Japanese style western food. I wasn't going to look forward to a week with him complaining about how everything lacked 'consume flavor', or no seaweed options.