
CleanAirIsMyFetish t1_iu9g2tp wrote

I agree that our kids are being left behind and that the current system isn’t working but it’s not because there isn’t competition. It’s because schools are being defunded, teachers are under paid, there aren’t enough teachers and they don’t have the resources they need. Competition won’t help that, it will make the system worse because as we have seen in every sector of our economy, capitalism serves those at the top, not those at the bottom.


CleanAirIsMyFetish t1_iu28ogu wrote

This is a gross oversimplification of how funding works. Schools require a huge amount of overhead and the idea that their funding can ebb and flow at the whims of wherever students parents want to drag them each year is unsustainable. Imagine having to fire or hire large numbers of staff each year because it’s not in the budget now or you don’t have enough teachers to students? Now add that to the already growing problem of teacher burnout and shortages.