
Clear_Forever_2669 t1_j1s4kpj wrote

You will never be informed.

You will always spew ignorant bullshit in an effort to, for once in your sad existence, sound as if you know something the majority of those around you do not.

The truth is you're desperately clinging to the hope you're on the "in-crowd" of some sort to lord over your "lessers." The hilarity is that your "lessers" are just the rest of the world that isn't a pathetic lump of shit wallowing in obscurity and ignorance.


Clear_Forever_2669 t1_iy84d47 wrote

You are dumb and racist, though.

You're demonstrating it.

You whine about immigrants because you're so pathetic that a disadvantaged immigrant to your own home country can do better than you with less resources, facing racism from inbred trash like you, and all while having access to barely a fraction of what you have.

No wonder you're such a whiny little bitch. You're a fragile loser.

Edit: lol the weak racist pussy blocked me and ran away like all fragile trash do when confronted. He didn't think anyone could see his post history until he was directly quoted.


Clear_Forever_2669 t1_iy1y8mb wrote

>Talk to your local reps and demand that they control the immigration problem.

>Low Welfare. And no income tax to pay for the deluxe package neighboring states offer.

No one cares what an uneducated, racist, manual-laboring, piece of shit thinks.

You're just a lowlife loser that will always whine about minorities, the less fortunate, etc.


Clear_Forever_2669 t1_ixl2vq0 wrote

You're a piece of shit and you will die alone, unloved, and no one will care.

More evidence that you're a lowlife scumbag that will leave this planet better off without you in it than before.