CleaveIshallnot t1_jaeh6ss wrote
Reply to This isn't staged. Hercule saw us take a family picture and decided he (and his ball) should be included. by Berenbos
"Staged", it indeed would've been, if dog hadn't showed up.
Herc saved the day.
CleaveIshallnot t1_ja8boea wrote
Reply to TIL John Scopes, a high school teacher in Tennessee, was arrested and tried for merely teaching the theory of evolution in 1925. by JesusLikesHisCheezIt
I thought Scopes bravely taught this solely for academic reasons & on principle.
But in reality it was funded by a coal magnate to put Dayton "on the map...& drum up business $$"?
Ah well.
All's well that ends well.
CleaveIshallnot t1_ja89rgd wrote
Reply to comment by ShelbySecretary in [Image] by lawwal93
Nietzsche has entered the chat.
CleaveIshallnot t1_ja868cb wrote
Reply to "Cell" and its derivatives (Cellular, Cellulose, Cellulite, etc.) are the only English words where the C is pronounced like an S. by tsatsawassa
Don't know if this joke would work for our special & precious friends across the Pacific ... sorry, Atlantic Ocean who live in cities in the U.K.
It'd be nice not to engage in a cycle of non cents cuz it's not central to the joke, and it comes at a price, & as it perpetuates the argument circle.
CleaveIshallnot t1_ja54k9x wrote
Mud caked clothes?
CleaveIshallnot t1_ja377jr wrote
Duuuuude, where's my monocle?
CleaveIshallnot t1_j9pd5ej wrote
Reply to comment by Skavau in One in Ten U.S. Adults Pirated TV, Movies or Live Sports in 2022 by abunchofjerks
Filmmakers Request Identities of Reddit Users to Aid Piracy Lawsuit
Not saying it's happening now, or if it will.
But they're trying according to "Torrent Freak"
(Added link to my orignal comment as well.)
Sorry 4 the oversight & thus "just words" vs subpoena.
CleaveIshallnot t1_j9op7il wrote
Reply to comment by David_ungerer in One in Ten U.S. Adults Pirated TV, Movies or Live Sports in 2022 by abunchofjerks
Wasn't just this posted recently?
That companies are seeking (legal action even?) Reddit posts/comments about ppl who share pirating stories/tips, etc?
Filmmakers Request Identities of Reddit Users to Aid Piracy Lawsuit
CleaveIshallnot t1_j9l0u2k wrote
CleaveIshallnot t1_j98mt49 wrote
Reply to comment by ag_abdulaziz in "I'm not moving, get used to me lady" by jemahAeo
True. But if u gotta explain that, chances are they'll never comprehend it anyway.
CleaveIshallnot t1_j97twq6 wrote
Reply to comment by needsomelovings in "I'm not moving, get used to me lady" by jemahAeo
I'm saddened to know that a fellow human feared posts due to the (inconsequential, I wish) hijab & had to be surprised there wasn't a bunch of hate & insults.
While rational, justified & thus completely understandable - that still just undeservedly sucks.
Hopefully such things will change. Eventually.
Meanwhile, ✌🏽✌🏼✌🏿
CleaveIshallnot t1_j97sl70 wrote
Reply to comment by pakipunk in "I'm not moving, get used to me lady" by jemahAeo
Worldly people sharing knowledge of their experiences & truths are a good part of life.
Thank you.
CleaveIshallnot t1_j97l4r5 wrote
Reply to comment by aplantsman in [text] Today in cleaning my office no matter what. by Mrjocrooms
U going to post b4 & after pics to inspire us all re our own similar Mount Everests?
CleaveIshallnot t1_j97h9rc wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in "I'm not moving, get used to me lady" by jemahAeo
Good point.
I wish they were all merely sarcastic.
CleaveIshallnot t1_j968rra wrote
Played a few years of youth hockey waaaay back in the day in an East coast small town.
So small, had to travel to other towns to play opponents. Road games were truly road games.
Blocker was an accepted tactical advantage to access the throat under the protection of mask when goalies fought anybody.
Ummm, retrospectively, was that a dysfunctional environment?
CleaveIshallnot t1_j965jtk wrote
Not cliche.
Just an assertion that others might've done b4.
Doesn't lessen ur statement.
Detox via decluttering.
You're going to feel soooooo good after.
CleaveIshallnot t1_j9658j1 wrote
Reply to comment by aplantsman in [text] Today in cleaning my office no matter what. by Mrjocrooms
That's (for me), an unknown saying & motivational tool.
But it's great.
CleaveIshallnot t1_j90679m wrote
Reply to comment by dadefresh in Saints' Alvin Kamara among 4 men indicted in battery case. by PrincessBananas85
Yeah. I coulda been somebody.
I coulda been the champ.
... Ok I just sucked.
Those 2 or more syllable words just killed me.
CleaveIshallnot t1_j8wwk86 wrote
Love how after briefly describing a repercussive assault they then spend much more time listing his football stats.
Just an observation.
Read that article in 23.4 secs for 14 units of knowledge.
CleaveIshallnot t1_j8csk72 wrote
Reply to [IMAGE] Be careful what you feed… by Rocky9711
That's good. Really good.
CleaveIshallnot t1_j74hyf1 wrote
Reply to Magical path, me, oil, 2023 by myriyevskyy
That's really, really nice.
CleaveIshallnot t1_j4h2cbs wrote
Reply to A soldier of the French Resistance in 1944 by lewis7897
Deniro could play him in the moving picture version.
We could learn where his finger went as well.
CleaveIshallnot t1_j0tqgzt wrote
Reply to this girl by digitalmascot
You can see your own name displayed in her digital visage.
Look closely.
You see it?
CleaveIshallnot t1_j0kijsx wrote
Reply to comment by ImmoralityPet in The good/ binary in morality is misguided and can be dangerous | Tommy Curry, Massimo Pigliucci, Joanna Kavenna by IAI_Admin
We been hazeled it appears.
Wait, I just hazed myself. Can one do that?
Must google...
CleaveIshallnot t1_jcxutnc wrote
Reply to Little Piggy has the zoomies by lnfinity
How'd you get a copy of my last EEG test?