
ClientLegitimate4582 t1_j1pawoz wrote

I read almost exclusively fiction now, I did a ton of reading to learn in college. On occasion I'll get a non fiction book that catches my interest.

Such as the Immortal life of Henrietta Lacks by Rebecca Skloot. It's about a woman who had a form of cancer. These cells were and have been used for research purposes all over the world including studying other cancers, HIV and Tuberculosis.

This happened in 1951 before ethics were of much more importance and this story along with that of the Tuskegee experiment involving Syphilis. Highlight why ethics and informed consent are so important in modern Research. Fair warning it's not an easy read in terms of how she gets treated. Lacks died in 1951 her family knew nothing until almost 20 years after that.

Definitely worth a read if you want to learn some interesting science and understand ethics.

Now off my Tangent about that I read mainly fiction because it's an escape from work and honestly all the bad things I hear and read about in news daily.

I prefer my reading be enjoyable and pull me into a world different from our own.

My advice in terms of getting back into fantasy is to think of books you maybe used to read growing up, find stuff that's similar but different. I'd also look at shows or movies you've enjoyed for inspiration.


ClientLegitimate4582 t1_iy5lrud wrote

All digital, because spacewise I don't have any place to keep books (outside of what I already own physically) digital for me is also more portable/accessible and I have to strain less cause I can zoom in on text.

Also digital in my experience tends to be way cheaper which is nice because I can save/ buy more if I want.

Also no book limit. Which is great cause physically speaking I can't carry that many books.