
CloudsOntheBrain t1_jat03h7 wrote

Well, I asked my aunt, who is religious and staunchly anti-abortion (despite having gotten one herself in her younger years), if she felt that women with unwanted pregnancies should be "punished" by being refused abortions.

She said yes. It's a consequence for having sex. If you didn't want to be pregnant, you shouldn't have had sex (or been raped, apparently). So there are people out there who really do feel this way, even if all they get out of it is a sense of "justice" for punishing a perceived sin.

In my aunt's defense, she also believes the unborn fetus is the same as a child, and I think she feels guilt over aborting her own pregnancy in the past. So her beliefs are at least nuanced in that way. But I couldn't get her to understand that saddling a child with the weight of being unwanted, and a punishment to their parents of all things, is unbelievably cruel. And she didn't care to hear about how high the abuse rate is in homes with unwanted children, or in foster homes. Or how overburdened the adoption system is.