
CoffeeAutomatic2934 t1_jb2kmwt wrote

We don't have "souvenir " specific shops like other places. But every "touristy" thing has its own gift shop full of NH branded stuff. Lots of it is closed this time of year so you have to pick the indoor spots that are open year round. Kellerhaus, fun spot, children's museum in dover. See science center in Manchester, the aquarium next to storyland. Odiorne point. also almost all the gas stations have something with "live free or die" written on it


CoffeeAutomatic2934 t1_j9y5c95 wrote

Two of my boys are October and missed the cut off. Trust me. Don't rush them into school. Take advantage of them being older then the other kids. None of the kids notice the subtle age difference, but your child will do much better in school.


CoffeeAutomatic2934 t1_j6frxk3 wrote

Yes diesel is the solution. Off highway diesel is cheaper. It's literally the same stuff as #2 fuel oil. Only bleed the lines if your ran completely empty. Crack the bleeder next to the hose at the furnace blower and turn it on a few times. Most likely it'll time out and go into safety mode. Read your ignitor manual to see how to reset. Then do it again till fuel comes out of the bleeder. Put some tubing onto the bleeder so it comes out into a cup or something instead of spraying on your floor. In a pinch, ive called a friend or a friend of a friend who was in excavation or landscaping. Anyone of the guys you see around town who have what looks like a toolbox in the bed of their truck, but theres a fuel pump handle hanging on the side. This is how they go to job sites to fill their excavators, bobcats etc. I think most people are generally kind. I bet $40 would go a long way with one them helping you out with a few gallons.

Side note. This is also why I will never own a house without a second source of heat. Woodstove is best. Pellet stove with a battery backup is second. Fireplace last. Woodstock insert in a fireplace is pretty darn good too.


CoffeeAutomatic2934 t1_j6ckyeu wrote

Given its a parent situation, and by you saying "landlord" and not just calling him the landlord, this makes me wonder if you have an actual lease and are infact legally a renter. A legal renter protected by the document would need to go through the legal eviction process. A kid/adult living with their mom and step-dad (even if you pay them rent every month) who may have over stayed their welcome ( in the eyes of the parents) and are not a minor, then yes of course they can simply be kicked to the curb. No different them if they were a trespasser. And without a proper lease, if you refuse to leave, they can even call the cops and force the issue Note this is not my legal opinion and would be the same in florida too. This is simply common sens/fairly standard laws. Unless you live in some very left leaning jurisdictions that actually protect squatters, it all hinges on what legal documents and proof you have the gives you the right to be there.


CoffeeAutomatic2934 t1_iyb45lx wrote

Yes very cheap. I have vanity plates on many of my old junky cars because it adds to the fun of them. Not sure had a nh plate on a car that wasn't a vanity plate.

MA vanity plates are so expensive it's more of an obnoxious flex then a fun thing. Seeing MA vanity plates far more garuntees a spoiled brat or cocky a-hole in a porsche, far more then an average person with a mild sense of humor who just happens to want to share that humor through a silly gesture on their car.