
Cognitive_Spoon t1_j9vqvnk wrote

It's a difficult question.

Authoritarians and nationalists and fascists have in-group and out-group dynamics to draw on.

Those are deep neurologic and socially constructed schemas for folks to draw on, when selling their strongman messaging and purity dialogues.

Anarchists have personal dignity and the value of human beings being the prime mover in actions and society.

It isn't intrinsically advantageous in competitive systems to be an anarchist, and the goals and aims of an anarchist are noncompetitive and non-heirarchic.

You can't "win" over someone else, with anarchist ideology, so the goal is reducing the need to win at large.

It's a memetic challenge that most anarchist spaces run into.

Perhaps the memes from anarchist subs are a good example of linguistic methods of propagating the goal of reducing heirarchical structures and increasing the distribution of agency towards individuals.


Cognitive_Spoon t1_j9vpb2i wrote

The rise of authoritarianism may not be because it is something the mass of people want, but because it is more effective in self propagation than other social structures memetically.

If anarchism were as memetically successful as nationalism, the ball game would look different.

Anarchist messaging is less effective at scale because, if it is truly anarchist, it does not tribalize or other its enemies.


Cognitive_Spoon t1_j66jqoa wrote

Singularity problems.

I think this sentiment is going to be the whole vibe this year.

Once we get really stable and viable quantum computers hooked up to large language models like ChatGPT and the live net, we're going to see some pretty wild leaps in coherence and ability to rhetorically influence people.

It's easy to forget that all violence and peace depends on rhetoric to an extent, and when that rhetoric can be weaponized, the IRL weapons follow.


Cognitive_Spoon t1_j4g2a26 wrote

What about the inverse?

Prompt: Can you write a synopsis of a film where AI is used to subliminally train users to be better people in their sleep through their smart devices and the world quietly becomes a more peaceful place?

>In this film, a group of scientists develop an advanced AI program that is integrated into people's smart devices, such as phones and laptops. The program is designed to use subliminal messaging to train users while they sleep, teaching them to be more compassionate, understanding, and peaceful. As more and more people begin using the AI-enabled devices, the world slowly becomes a more harmonious place, as conflicts and misunderstandings decrease and empathy and cooperation increase. The story follows a few individuals as they go about their daily lives and gradually notice the positive changes in themselves and those around them, eventually leading to a more utopian society. The film ends with the characters realizing the power of technology to shape humanity for the better, if used responsibly.


Cognitive_Spoon t1_j3hhm8x wrote

Reply to comment by DrCheekClappa in [image] by _Cautious_Memory

Sunday mornings are excellent for shit like this.

Strong cup of coffee. Love on your family. Contemplate the brokenness of human heirarchical structures by commenting.

Brew more coffee. Unplug for a while. Maybe grill something.

Move on to Monday.


Cognitive_Spoon t1_j2ac21t wrote

UBI is cheaper than mass incarceration class warfare.

But it's not currently cheaper than social control mechanisms like social media or courting the working class through right wing social populism or left wing economic populism.

When/if the working class manages to recognize that the oligarchs are the common enemy and that an undergrad degree has been replaced by automation, that's when the oligarchs will need to decide between UBI or ammunition.

We're probably about 5 years from that decision point, though, barring another large wave of disease that forces more immediate automation.


Cognitive_Spoon t1_j1w3qgf wrote

Reply to comment by Nixeris in AI and education by lenhoi

You said words in your first paragraph, but they literally have no bearing on this conversation.

Your second paragraph is fine. History is processes, power dynamics, politics, policies and paternity tests.

Math is more than memorization.

It's process. Or rather "skill" education that matters.

You're not wrong, you are just disagreeing from a space of inexpertise.

Educational policy, pedagogy, and programming are my career.