
Cold_Kitsune t1_jc3wdy6 wrote

The internet has always been full of people who like to put others down and hate for the sake of hating. Best advice is to ignore them and keep doing what you enjoy. There are a tone of really nice people about so I hope you encounter more people that can be as happy about your passions as you are :)


Cold_Kitsune t1_jc1c11a wrote

Really cool collection, hope you enjoyed playing them. Just a heads up though, your texting style seems to be causing your tones to come across differently than you're intending it to. I can tell you're a genuine and nice person but calling everyone gamer and being a little blatant about your opinions is causing you to sound a little ingenue, sarcastic or even condescending based on the replies I've read that you received. I'm not trying to sound like an ass, it just looks like you're not too sure why people are a little unfriendly, although some of them are trolling or jealous. Stay true to yourself, keep doing what you like and sharing your passion. Hope you have a nice day gamer


Cold_Kitsune t1_jc1be19 wrote

They're inquiring how many of those games in your collection you reached the ending in. You mentioned you do YouTube stuff but is it short lived playthroughs, reviews or anything like that? Like, did you buy these to try a new game for a video or did you intend to finish them and if so, how many did finish


Cold_Kitsune t1_jc1au0v wrote

Look, a big factor is space management and presentation, and in addition to that, horizontal consoles encourage ppl to put things on them like monitors or games that can cause heating or ventilation issues. I prefer horizontal disk trays to vertical personally but there's not a big issues, they both still work.

You honestly just need to think what functions better, looks better for photography and what it's designed to sit like. Also, common sense is applicable


Cold_Kitsune t1_jc1a8e8 wrote

On god, that guy has to be clowning. I think their point collapsed into "if the first draft wasnt presented as standing then it shouldn't" but that makes no sense anyways... Can't believe you give him hard evidence and its blatantly disregarded, like this thread is literally the Patrick star meme. Good luck surviving the migraine that this part of the internet is


Cold_Kitsune t1_jc1997x wrote

Yes and no. I'll presume youre playing the same game on either platform cause how optimised the game itself is could factor in. Also presume you tried other comments solutions.

60fps is 60fps but there are factors to consider. As mentioned, consistency of frames but also, since you mentioned it's on pc you find the issues, it might be worth checking likes of gpu usage and RAM.

[Game bar might be helpful- Quick way to check in game, if you press and hold the windows key and then press the 'G' key, it'll open Xbox game bar (alot of useful features if you want to play with them a bit). The bottom left corner will show gpu, ram, vram etc. Clicking on the settings of it you can change location to a bar and shrink it so it just shows numbers, then pin it. It'll stay on screen if you do that even after leaving game bar. When you do that and go into the game, it will continue to show values in percentage. If anything is very high, it will affect your gameplay.]

Likes of cpu and gpu, you will want around 80 or 90% at least depending on graphics card. Close to 100% in any of them will cause issues for everything. If your ram is too high, close apps in the background, especially likes of chrome tabs. If it's gpu, turn down the graphics a little. If it's vram, turn down graphics a bit, ideally texture related. You could also try reducing the room temperature as a PC running hot will have some issues.

Realistically, 60fps is still 60fps so these solutions aren't demanding, you don't need to go from ultra settings to low, even lowering shadow quality a little is likely enough. Another thing that could affect it is you're trying to play a game with an older gpu so performance in general won't be insane especially considering the ps5 has a pretty damn good graphics card and alot of PC users use a lower performance one. A better gpu will manage poorly optimized games better obviously but games like fortnite are extremely well optimized.

TL:DR - Close background apps, lower graphics a little and keep the PC cool. Any further help, just ask and I'll try :) hope the issue gets resolved.