
Cold_Turkey_Cutlet t1_j26cvzh wrote

>But why, is still beyond me.

It's a coping mechanism for psychologically weak people to try and maintain a sense of control in the face of something they are powerless to confront. You will notice conservatives have the same reaction to all existential threats such as pandemics, pollution and climate change: blame the messenger and bury the truth. It makes them feel safer to deny the existence of these things. And by transforming the enemy from an amorphous threat like a virus into a cabal of evil liberals who just need to be removed from power, it gives them an enemy they understand how to fight (because it can be fought through simple violence/force).


Cold_Turkey_Cutlet t1_iz6j38k wrote

>Their warrant was literally for tax evasion.

And Al Capone was only convicted of tax evasion. But I'd be a naive gullible idiot to say that means he wasn't a mobster.

Murdered in cold blood is a ridiculous characterization of what happened. Especially since many of the kids had stab wounds and gun shot wounds FROM THE CULT MEMBERS THEMSELVES.

But neo nazis love to big this event up as the ultimate travesty of justice while dismissing cops shooting unarmed minorities as no big deal.


Cold_Turkey_Cutlet t1_iz6g4wp wrote

>2. There was no direct evidence indicating that Koresh engaged in any physical or sexual abuse of children during the standoff.

Lol DURING the standoff? You think that makes it ok? The point is he was raping kids BEFORE the standoff. That's what led to the stand off.

The rest of your post is a bunch of dumb technalities.

The reality is that this was an insane cult that not only was raping children but also posed a huge threat to the wider community because of their accumulation of an arsenal of weaponry. Look up Aum Shrinkyo for what happens when violent cults go unchecked.


Cold_Turkey_Cutlet t1_iz5xw51 wrote

You are lying.

Child sexual abuse:

>David Koresh told them to call their parents "dogs"; only he was to be referred to as their father. Girls as young as 11 were given a plastic Star of David, signifying that they had "the light" and were ready to have sex with the cult leader. A team of therapists said these were some of the things that 19 of the 21 surviving children of the Branch Davidian cult had told them about their lives inside the compound.

Illegal weapons:

>The Branch Davidians were well armed with small arms,[125][126] possessing 305 total firearms, including numerous rifles (semi-automatic AK-47s and AR-15s), shotguns, revolvers and pistols;[81][87][127] 46 semi-automatic firearms modified to fire in fully automatic mode (included on above list): 22 AR-15 (erroneously referred to as M16), 20 AK-47 rifles, 2 HK SP-89, 2 M-11/Nine[87][127] Texas Rangers reported "at least 16 AR-15 rifles,";[81] 2 AR-15 lower receivers modified to fire in fully automatic mode;[127] 39 "auto sear" devices used to convert semi-automatic weapons into automatic weapons; parts for fully automatic AK-47 and M16 rifles; 30-round magazines and 100-round magazines for M16 and AK-47 rifles; pouches to carry large ammunition magazines; substantial quantities of ammunition of various sizes.
>Other items found at the compound included about 1.9 million rounds of "cooked off" ammunition;[81] grenade launcher parts; flare launchers; gas masks and chemical warfare suits; night vision equipment; hundreds of practice hand grenade hulls and components (including more than 200 inert M31 practice rifle grenades, more than 100 modified M-21 practice hand grenade bodies, 219 grenade safety pins and 243 grenade safety levers found after the fire);[127] Kevlar helmets and bulletproof vests; 88 lower receivers for the AR-15 rifle; and approximately 15 sound suppressors or silencers (the Treasury reports lists 21 silencers,[127] Texas Rangers report that at least six items had been mislabeled and were actually 40 mm grenades or flash bang grenades from manufacturers who sold those models to the ATF or FBI exclusively;[128][129] former Branch Davidian Donald Bunds testified he had manufactured silencers under direct orders of Koresh).[56]


Cold_Turkey_Cutlet t1_iz5uwjo wrote

Waco was not that big of a deal. They screwed up the operation but they didn't frame anybody or cause the deaths. The fire was started by David Koresh and they came out guns blazing when the authorities arrived. If it was a criminal gang and not a religious cult, nobody would have acted like it was such a travesty and not the inevitable result of insane criminals fighting the police. Remember 4 agents died that day from Branch Davidian gunfire.

It's only through conservative propaganda that this has been turned into some huge travesty of American justice, simply because it involved right wing white people. Same thing with Ruby Ridge.


Cold_Turkey_Cutlet t1_iynxc63 wrote

>he people protesting for Green Energy but think a Nuclear Reactor is one accident away from recreating Fukushima

It literally is. The pendulum is swinging too far in the opposite direction. Now people are acting like nuclear energy is completely safe. Or saying stupid shit like the only reason accidents happen is because of poor planning or cutting corners. No shit. Both those things are a universal constant in human behaviour, so they have to be considered! Not to mention that climate change/increased natural disasters is the actual number 1 threat to nuclear power plants because they have to be built on rivers to get water for cooling.

Nuclear energy is not a panacea and comes with a litany of drawbacks just like all other energy sources.


Cold_Turkey_Cutlet t1_iy7eqdx wrote

So either do something completely impossible, or just stop voting Republican. One solution may be "at least twice as effective" but it's also completely impossible and overly idealistic. Americans need to stop letting perfect be the enemy of good and just STOP VOTING FOR REPUBLICANS. You can think about reaching some kind of utopia when you've cleared that very very short hurdle and stop voted for the fascist party that wants to take all your rights away.


Cold_Turkey_Cutlet t1_iy7dlnl wrote

Nah, Texas still has millions of liberals. And yes, I'm equating liberals with science because that's reality. Only 6% of scientists identify as Republican while 55% identify as Democrat.


Cold_Turkey_Cutlet t1_ixx7fn6 wrote

Enraging isn't it? They just read a headline and spout off like "Oh I definitely know that the scientists at the Soft Matter Physics lab of Johannes Kepler University in Austria are MORONS. They didn't even think about how mushrooms ROT before they decided to make COMPUTER CHIPS WITH THEM? God I should probably run that whole lab... we'd on Mars by now!"


Cold_Turkey_Cutlet t1_ixx632a wrote

>Typically after the 10 days of watching the possibly rabid animal that just bit you to see if it really had rabies.

Wait wut? I don't think this is typical. That would require a captive animal... I suspect most people who got bit by a wild animal or stray dog or something don't end up with the animal in their possession or any opportunity to watch it for 10 days.

But it is an interesting idea if possible. Because apparently the rabies vaccine is horrible and not something you want to go through if you don't need to. Then again, I'm not sure I would want to sit there for 10 days taking my chances with actual rabies either, because if you don't take the vaccine by the time symptoms set in, you're gonna die a horrible painful death.


Cold_Turkey_Cutlet t1_ivb7s6w wrote

Reality decides what is disinformation.

There is a shitload of disinformation being pushed about this election. All of America's enemies want the Republicans to win, and they are pushing to make that happen. They will probably succeed too. This looks like America's fatal weakness. An unwillingness to fix this vulnerability is likely to cost Americans their country and democracy.


Cold_Turkey_Cutlet t1_itefspn wrote

It's dress clothes for office work. You need to iron that shit or it looks surprisingly bad. I don't know why it looks so viscerally bad, but when you have a wrinkled suit, you look worse than somebody wearing straight up rags. I think it's that sense of fallen grace.