
CommentBro t1_j2a56dv wrote

Respectfully, a lot of those things still apply to you, you're just a step or two removed from them.

Tax rates matter to everyone not just in how much they pay individually, but how much the government has available to distribute (e.g. student loan forgiveness, healthcare, infrastructure, etc.)

Stock market matters because it's essentially what the entire economy was built from. Most financial systems are tied to stocks in one way or another so the health and trustworthiness of the market is key. This allows for the mortgage you will hopefully be able to get one day and the rates you are able to secure on auto loans, personal loans, and your student loans.

Nuclear vs coal may not impact you now but it will impact you later, as well as future generations.

The gun debate and how we treat gun ownership affects anyone and everyone, from school children, to adults at a club, to anyone going to a movie, etc.

It all matters and it especially matters to an immigrant like yourself. Please stay politically active and aware of what's going on because the only way to ensure you aren't getting any benefits is by staying out of politics.


CommentBro t1_iy9unwl wrote

One time I was driving around the Mall waiting to turn right and a group of pedestrians was in the middle of the crosswalk as the hand started to flash. The guy behind me lays on his horn. He caught up next to me at the next light and told me I should have gone. This was an older man with DC plates, he should have known. He said the flashing hand means no one in the crosswalk, and I told him A. That's incorrect, it means don't enter the crosswalk if you haven't already started to cross. And B. That regardless, pedestrians always have the right of way.

He said I was wrong and tried to keep arguing but I just had to ignore him at that point.