
CompasslessPigeon t1_jcgzwet wrote

Ive had both. They're fine pizzas, but the problem is both are nice fancy pizzas (and birch tree isn't even doing pizza daily). Never found that perfect greasy take-out pizza to grab on the way home from work or get delivered after a few too many beers. Options on that front were entirely limited to greek pizza, which is just not good, as I said IMO. I've had great pizza in Chicago, New York, Florida, even Montana.


CompasslessPigeon t1_jcculz7 wrote

Maybe. If there's good pizza in Mass I didn't find it and I fucking tried. Antonio's was the closest to good in worcester. There were times the slices were decent but it wasn't consistent and was never great. Some real hate is going to flow in for this but I'll say it anyway. The best pizza in Worcester would be the worst pizza in New Haven County.


CompasslessPigeon t1_jcckzxx wrote

Italian: Mar E Monti

Sushi: Sushi Miyazawa

Breakfast: Lou Roc's

Mexican: El Patron, it was the place on park Ave but they closed after a plumbing issue.

Pizza: no good pizza in worcester IMO

Brunch: Armsby Abby

Not sure what to call it but honorable mention: Egg Roll Lady

edit: people are upset about the pizza comment. I just don't like greek pizza. Its not for me. If I had to get pizza in Worcester, I'd go to Wonder Bar.


CompasslessPigeon t1_jaclfaz wrote

Family friend was told she was to limit activity as much as possible towards the end of her pregnancy, they said she was close to needing bed rest. EB gave her a hard time about using the elevator to get to her desk and she wound up quitting because the stairs were too much. That's all I need to know about a company


CompasslessPigeon t1_j6otiri wrote

Yep. Paramedic in the same boat.

“We can’t survive on 2%. Losing good medics to other areas with better pay and cost of living, dedicated employees can’t afford the increases we have seen in rent”-union

“Too bad. You get 2% a year for the next 3. Too bad that inflation was 12% and we had record profits. We want even more record profits” -management


CompasslessPigeon t1_j6n2yxx wrote

Elias Sport Performance in Glastonbury. The coaches there both have masters in strength and conditioning and have done a lot with people working through injuries

Edit- not sure why I’m being downvoted for this. It’s a pretty nice gym, and I’m not affiliated with it. Just trying to help


CompasslessPigeon t1_j69cgqx wrote

Absolutely not safe. Perfectly legal. I’m a search and rescue technician, and when I was taking a human tracking class we were discussing natural barriers. Things that people reach and change direction without some sort of other help (boat, car, airplane, etc). The CT river was the instructors first choice. She said you couldn’t cross it. I confidently told her I could get across. Might take me down river by 10 miles but I’d eventually make it across. She told me flat out “you would die trying”. It’s a dangerous and unpredictably river. The currents are very powerful


CompasslessPigeon t1_j5g576h wrote

Reply to comment by igetmoneyyuhuurd in Yale by thug_nificent

New Haven is nothing BECAUSE of Yale. They have slowly bought up property all around that city and pay next to nothing in taxes. The city is starving, can’t properly fund public services and social services as a result. Jobs are great but what would be greater is if they paid tax to the city out of the 50 billion dollar endowment