
Complete_Potato9941 t1_iti4eq0 wrote

I am yeeting out…. 5G is just architecture to transport data faster than 4G… if in general you look at nation state actors they always find a way… too much money and time. I find it funny that you believe that none of the “Main three OS’s” have VR features but either way VR is a joke right now, it’s too expensive and no one wants to stand or sit with a relatively heavy headset on their head. The hyper reality video you link is what people believe a some thing could be taken to an extreme. In general other providers are used less as huawei has always be about 1/2 of the price of the competition. This article talks about software defined networks allowing them to be faster to mobilize however it’s common for miss configuration. I really don’t believe you even read the article you linked.