
ConfidentScene8960 t1_j47lyir wrote

I could get in your face maybe with ball up fist, and run my mouth if YOU(the victim) are scared of me that’s TECHNICALLY assault . The Second I push you or touch any part of your person it’s then battery . Combined assault and battery . I’ll stop tho I can tell your a sheep . Don’t let the wolves wit the mean scary guns gel blast you 😭


ConfidentScene8960 t1_j47k7ws wrote

I was 13 -14 in middle school . “Juveniles were charged , meaning they are under 18z the 3 “teenagers are facing 9 counts “ no 9 year old was assaulted 😭. Stop the bs . If those kids got out that car and hit them with a BAT they would be charged with assault with deadly weapon . If your’re really telling me that it’s the same punishment and charges your part of the problem. If one your kids was in that car you would be sick to your stomach knowing he’s facing those charges for gel gun you can buy at Walmart.


ConfidentScene8960 t1_j47huih wrote

A bat , stick , brass knuckles , a knife is a dangerous weapon . A toy with gel balls isn’t . That’s my point . It’s so easy for someone to say they should get probation? Or jail time ? Like wtf is that. If a firearm is a dangerous weapon ; what makes a GEL gun “ Dangerous “ ——— potential to cause Serious harm or damage to an individual. Simple misdemeanor disorderly conduct. Assault with a DANGEROUS WEAPON is nuts! But we live in mass and people that drive around town with a mask on decide how to punish people that never lived in their demographic. 🙂


ConfidentScene8960 t1_j1ev1qt wrote

The problem is everything seems to be taken so literal to the point that everyone wants to crucify you over it. People are different and have opposing opinions that don’t match with others. What some might find humor in, others will be horrified by. It’s wrong that the “random” public are the “lawyer” the “judge” and the “prosecutor” all in one. It’s insane people will take time out of their lives to discredit and ruin someone’s life over a distasteful joke or a comment. Regardless to what it is. Bad things happen to people all over the place . Put time into real things. Oct 15 Waterhouse shooting 6 victims . Fatal Double shooting at Betty’s?!? What ? None ? Only pampered people that are uncomfortable with living along people with opposite opinions really care about A FACEBOOK POST. NOT REAL LIFE Have you seen what’s on twitter ? Beheading, porn, public executions. No one bats an eye. But GOD FORBID I refer to someone as he/him. I can tell your the exact type I’m talking about. Whether involved or if you just support it. Your the problem.

I had to comment 😭 it’s just so silly how people who are nervous to talk in front of 4 strangers become these heros online.
Please grow up . You must be older than 30 you saw different generations. Don’t let 2022’s political agenda leave lost in the sauce 😶‍🌫️