
Conscious_Payment_69 t1_ittbiup wrote

Why do I have five backpacks? I wonder, dazed and confused. A forest surrounds me, the leaves black ignoring that it’s fall and they’re supposed to be all sorts of colors. I remember I went here for some kind of Halloween celebration, but my memory is too foggy, just like the forest. Dapples of moonlight dip through the bunches of leaves still on the trees. One backpack is still slung on my back, intact, but the others are messily tattered on the ground. Names are imprinted on each backpack, Ada Baker, Quinn Blake, and Rayn-. Two are too destroyed to make out and one is too tattered to fully read, but I assume it’s Rayna. Who are these people? I question myself. But I have no clue. A photo lay on the ground. I pick it up and am shocked by the image. It’s me. Just standing there. In an empty field. Alone. I seem to have my arm around something, but all that’s there is thin air. Who took that photo? My hands shake and I drop it in fear. I don’t remember having ever taken that photo. My face is pale as a ghost. I drop my backpack and sprint away as a screech echoes out from behind me. I stop dead in my tracks. Screeches. Then more screechs. Then even more screeches. I look behind me.  Four things are on all fours behind me. They look like humans, but all bent and contorted, bones cracked into different shapes, skin stretched out and maimed, their ribs peek out of their chest. The worst part is the face. They have no nose, their ears are almost cut in half, hanging on by just a thread, they have only one eye, and their grin was horrific, wrapping all the way around their face, uncontrollably. 
“Donna?” One of the creatures choke out. I freeze. I must’ve gotten several gray hairs at that moment. Whatever that thing is, just said my name. 
“Help me.” Another croaks. Tears begin to stream down my face. I feel sorry for the poor creature. I cautiously step towards it. 
“O-okay.” I manage to say.  I take another step. And another. And another. I keep getting closer until I’m right next to one. I reach my hand out, but then it contorts back. What?! I hear cracking, but thinking it’s the leaves I ignore it. My legs also begin to contort. Then my chest bursts open and I fall to the ground. Then I’m happy. So happy. I look down and see a photo that’s just an empty field, nothing in sight. Then I see exactly that. Nothing.