
Content_Idea t1_j40cwk6 wrote

Reply to comment by Medicat in A happy ending?! by Punnchy

I’ve always thought how strange it was that they all worship him as if they are all personally involved in his life. “I know Patrick he’s a great guy!! He would never…” Just because you saw him in his restaurant doesn’t mean you personally know him. Like you’re just another customer… 😂


Content_Idea t1_iuccmow wrote

Personally I would not feel comfortable taking someone on a hunting trip if they didn’t know they needed gear or that spotlighting deer isn’t illegal… I’m not trying to be rude, but please take a hunters/gun safety course before going off into the woods with someone. I would also recommend learning the different seasons. You sure can go watch someone hunt, but you can’t promise they know what they’re doing either.