
Cooch98 OP t1_jeg4ly3 wrote

I agree America sucks compared to many others with infrastructure. Just on my lunch break earlier my friend that lives in Columbus and I were imaging if there was a high speed train from Pittsburgh to Columbus (where he lives) we would see each other so much more often instead we have to make the 3 drive every few months.


Cooch98 t1_jeg3596 wrote

Honestly I’d just do Uber. You can set your own hours and can actually do pretty decent if you worked Friday and Saturday evening. But I have done it during the day as I’m not a huge fan of a the weekend crowed. I’ve also do door dash more often, which is nice if you don’t want people in your car.


Cooch98 OP t1_jeg2bg1 wrote

True but that was before the fair labor standard Act. So you could just pay people a quarter an hour and no overtime or benefits or really anything. Plus that was financed from private companies. Which makes it a lot easier when you have the power of a blank check and tell construction companies to build the tallest building in NYC as fast as you can.


Cooch98 OP t1_jeg0p8c wrote

I agree that would be awesome if that all connects as I’m getting into biking. But that’s going to be up to the boroughs if they want to connect a bike trail to the GAP. I just work on the bridge so i basically know nothing what’s happening trail connecting wise. But since we’re investing millions into this bridge I’m sure there’s a plan in place for trial connections that I just don’t know about yet.


Cooch98 OP t1_jefzha4 wrote

Also for your funding question. The sponsor is just government money. No company is funding this project. I believe 6 million is coming from federal ARPA grants (American Rescue Plan Act) for Covid relief. Basically grants were applied to for this project in early Covid days and it was awarded due to the needed of safe outdoor distressed economically impacted areas and through a lot of paper work, we got the grant. The consulting parties I talked about are just that, consulting. They voice their opinions and talk about how they want the bridge to look, their designs, and alike and what to be kept and not kept. But ultimately my bosses boss makes the final say on just about everything.


Cooch98 OP t1_jefp1re wrote

As for now that’s still up in the air. Mackin and the consulting parties like the idea of keeping the tracks at the begging of the bridge where they split. But that will be challenging as they have to pour concrete to be level will the rails which is smooth and rounded off and not squared off. Also they will have to add some sort of clear coat on the rail to cyclist don’t slide and fall when they are wet. They might get rid of the ones on the bridge, but who knows that’s still months away and many more meeting and discussions to get through.


Cooch98 OP t1_jefn7w4 wrote

RAAC/ACED Owns the bridge and Carrie Furnace site. Mackin Engineering is the company that will be doing the designs and construction. As for the consulting parties that includes: SHPO, RIDC, Rivers of Steel, friends of the riverfront, and a few more I can’t remember off the top of my head. So far we have $6 million in funding but it’s estimated it’s gonna take about $10 million.


Cooch98 t1_jea82ps wrote

Depending on the size and detail, my girlfriend does tattoos as a hobby on the side. She does stick and poke but with all the correct materials and cleanness. So she could do it, only thing is it will take a longer. But would be cheaper than going to a tattoo shop. Let me know if interested.