
Cookiemonster6691 t1_j756u3h wrote

So wasting tons of gas for ships to import food and pollute the waters from outside the country just to make a few redditors and crybaby’s happy is the right way? They feed themselves from what’s natural around their islands that includes pod whales and puffins they don’t have to work for money to eat instead they all share the food or hunt for their own there’s no homelessness or people starving to death because of the way they live they are also not over fishing or over hunting any of their resources they are a small island with a small community that all lives off their natural resources. So again they’re supposed to change their way of life and make there country a capitalist country and have to work for money to buy and live a lifestyle like ours? Just because there’s a bunch of crybaby’s in the world who will cry about everything but will do nothing to help them.


Cookiemonster6691 t1_j6w1qs2 wrote

They used to herd the pods in wooden paddle boats over 100 years ago trying to go to another part of the world and trying to change their way of life is like someone going to your house and changing the way you live they only do it like once every 5-10 years and none of the food is wasted and is frozen and spread out between all the people on the island. What do you think happens to the food you buy at the grocery store? You think chicken beef pork and all the other fish are read bed time stories then magically end up in small packets of meat? Go check out how slaughter houses work much much worst and inhumane.
