
Cool_Story_Bro__ t1_jaf3wi2 wrote

I felt like I was finally getting over some of the hurt she caused me and willing to make amends. She made me sound like I was crazy. but now I'm starting to think I waas right all along and that she was cheating on me the entire time. I was right…she knows all of this but what does she do? She shows the entire f*cking world that she doesn't give a sh*t about my feelings.“

“She’s the nicest person I’ve ever met”

Well which is it? Stop lying to yourself. Stop looking at her Facebook.

You’re torturing yourself. If you fucked up, deal with it and be better next time. It doesn’t mean you deserve to hurt yourself more.

It’s over. She blocked you. She’s with someone else.

There is nothing you can tell her to get her back.

Sorry buddy.


Cool_Story_Bro__ t1_j2cwtoi wrote

Are you just trolling?

Your original comment was “you both handled it poorly,” and the gist of “get over it and just talk to him.”

So you’re really blaming him for his dad’s fault when he was 11 and now.

Your an AH. I’m not gonna reply anymore.


Cool_Story_Bro__ t1_j2cw0g7 wrote

OP is asking his dad to not contact him, to give him some time to figure out his feelings to know what he wants to say when they talk.

Violating that requests means there’s no point in talking because his behavior says it all. He is telling his son his feelings don’t matter. He his telling him that whatever happens between them has to be on the father’s terms. He’s telling him that he hasn’t changed. He earns it by not contacting him like requested.

You admitted that you have no experience with an situation like this. It’s not that simple. You love your dad and can’t understand not giving him the chance to talk with you about something. This isn’t about you. Your experience and viewpoint is not the one everyone else has.

Honestly your comments are ignorant and oblivious of the intense emotions that come along with situations like this, which are often tied up with childhood trauma.


Cool_Story_Bro__ t1_j2cuy4d wrote

“It’s time to revisit this issue as an adult”


What has the father done to earn the right to mend?

Just because someone wants to fix a relationship doesn’t mean you have to.

He asks him not to contact her and he continuously violates his requests. This shows a lack of respect for his feelings, his agency, and his intelligence. Which sounds a lot like what he did when he was young.

Trust, love, and respect are earned.


Cool_Story_Bro__ t1_iujnykw wrote

It’s ok for her to want an open relationship and explore her bisexuality.

It’s ok for you to not want this at all and stay in a monogamous relationship.

Nobody is wrong here. But clearly you too are no longer compatible when it comes to a relationship. No matter which route you go, someone is going to feel bitter about it.

Seems like it’s time to break up and move on and find more compatible partners for both of you. You’re very young. If you’re not happy and it’s not working, it’s ok to walk away.