
Corbulo2526 OP t1_j1jxitk wrote

NASA’s budget, part of a $1.7 trillion government spending bill that still needs to be voted on by Congress, is 5.6 percent more than last year's budget. It falls short of the $26 billion requested by the White House. For the first time NASA's budget is smaller than the $26.3 billion dollar budget for the Space Force.


Corbulo2526 OP t1_iy71cbi wrote

>Only one has something called Space Force (to my knowledge), and it just sounds like a joke.

The Russian Space Forces and Chinese People's Liberation Army Strategic Support Force both exist.

>It was never meant to be taken seriously from it's inception because it was born out of the "America First" low IQ caveman mindset.

I'm it was a proposal between a Democrat and Republican in Congress. Hardly "low IQ caveman mindset."