
CordesRed t1_irb73az wrote

I love this!

I've been trying to change the way I eat for a long time.

I'll get myself all worked up and ready. I'll get started but if I mess up and eat something I shouldn't I've had the tendency to get really discouraged and throw the whole plan away.

Recently I've started trying again but this time I've done a few things differently.

I'm giving myself room to fail. I'm not so hard on myself. Maybe I shouldn't have given in and had that cookie but it doesn't mean the whole thing is a fail. I can forgive myself and keep going.

I'm also focusing on a lifestyle change. Instead of calling it a diet, I'm calling it nutritional therapy and instead of telling myself I'm doing it to lose weight, I'm doing it to help my stomach feel better.

Framing it this way has helped my mind adjust to the idea that this is a permanent change and not just a temporary diet I'm doing to lose weight. It just feels different this time.

It's been about a month so far and it's been going really well. I'm starting to notice myself being thirsty for water not soda and hungry for fruits and veggies instead of candy and chips.