
Corvus_Manufaktura t1_j0bb87h wrote

Its effect is very much surface level: food's more expensive, gas is more expensive, the internet is filled with political rambling yada yada yada.

But the mountains are still there to explore as they have been for millennia, there's still a lot of art to be appreciated, music to listen to, books to read, forests to walk through, stars to look at, secrets to learn about the universe, pipes to smoke and coffee to drink, I could go on.

Humanity has been complaining about "the world going to shit" ever since we crawled out of our caves and will continue to do so. But that will never diminish my love of life, adventure, risk, beauty, connections and the world itself. So those are my gauges I use to judge my day / week / year and I stand by that.


Corvus_Manufaktura t1_j05ydwu wrote

Depends on where you live. Covid-wise we've already returned to normal where I live, for almost 10 months now.

You see a weathered "Masks obligatory" sign on some out-of-town industrial complexes with a little virus clipart that they forgot to take down; you see some plexiglass remaining in front of the cashiers in some stores because taking them down means paying someone to do so; you see the occasional "2m distance" stickers on the floor of some buildings where nobody bothered to remove them.

But nobody talks about covid and more importantly, nobody cares about covid here anymore. Nobody dies from it either.


Corvus_Manufaktura t1_j05y3qm wrote

People really judge their year based on events like this?

I've always judged my years based on how much time I've managed to spend on the things I love doing, how my relationships have grown or deteriorated, new experiences good or bad, how much stress I've faced, how much I've grown as a person or managed to stay in touch with the people I care about.

Things like the war in Ukraine (despite being two countries over), climate change, the political climate of the US are just things I see on the internet that I know are bad but they don't affect my personal life in any way.


Corvus_Manufaktura t1_iy333i7 wrote

He didn't just feel that way, he was driving at reckless speeds and even had some close calls. He also wanted to take two other people to the grave with himself.

No way in hell you convince me this is appropriate behavior in this situation. He wanted to crash, he was just to much of a coward to actually drive head first into a tree


Corvus_Manufaktura t1_iy2vmvd wrote

>the suicide attempts and self harm over a breakup point to bigger issues

Not to mention the driving thing, which is utterly insane.

"All the time I hoped we would crash and all die. For some inexplicable reason, we actually survived the trip even though I did come close to slipping off the road on more than one occasion. I can still remember them both. The fear in their eyes and how they wouldn't dare to say a thing. How they'd cling to the seats and the door. "

This is just so so so messed up, especially how very few people seem to take issue with it in the comments. He explicitly says he was hoping they'd all die; he was ready to kill two people over an affair. "Bigger issues" seems like an understatement the size of Montana (which, from what I know of US geography, isn't small)


Corvus_Manufaktura t1_iy2s8l1 wrote

What's alarming to me is that a lot of the commenters don't believe OP's behavior is disproportionate. I mean, his story might be true or it might be a karma farm (though it's more likely that it's true), the commenters most likely mean what they say.

Makes me think a lot more people (than I initially believed) are just one cheating incident away from snapping and murdering their SO before taking themselves out. Not that I condone cheating, I think it's one of the vilest things one can do to a partner and it's way too common (and even normal in some circles) for how horrible it is but let's not pretend getting this worked up over a failed relationship is how a mentally healthy human reacts.

OP needs serious therapy for some underlying issues that were merely triggered by this incident and based on this glimpse into his mind, I wouldn't be surprised if he was diagnosed with borderline personality disorder or something similar.


Corvus_Manufaktura t1_iy2libs wrote

Isn't it strange how there's only ONE commenter pointing out how fucked up it is that OP took two other people on an almost suicide run in his car?

That's... Fucked up. That's more fucked up what either of his "friends" did to him. Cheating is pretty messed up, lying to your best friend is pretty messed up but taking two people hostage and putting them in mortal danger because one cheated on you with the other is SO MUCH WORSE.