
Courageous_Chameleon t1_j9gkg7k wrote

It is likely a urinary tract infection. Common ailment and can be treated quickly and inexpensively with antibiotics. It's painful and can eventually damage their kidneys, so you really need to get her to a vet.

Big Easy and Rivers Vet Urgent Care both do walk ins. You just have to get there early because it's first come, first serve. If you don't intend to keep her or care for her, surrender her at a shelter asap so she can see a vet because she is almost certainly sick and in pain.


Courageous_Chameleon t1_j6mlz4h wrote

Reply to comment by [deleted] in Moving from Dallas? by [deleted]

As others have said, no gated communities. As a fellow light sleeper (and insomniac), the better investment would be allocating funds toward insulating the house and potentially installing high-grade windows. The city isn't particularly loud in most neighborhoods compared to other cities, but a lot of the houses, including new builds, have shitty insulation that allows you to hear everything and leads to higher heating prices. Decent-sized yard + good insulation and you'll be fine.


Courageous_Chameleon t1_j1z8rxb wrote

Check out UPMC and Pitt. 10-minute bus ride from Lawrenceville and there are plenty of hybrid positions available at both. UPMC tends to have better salaries and would likely value a multilingual candidate more. Pitt has better benefits.


Courageous_Chameleon t1_j0utmo0 wrote

They'd have no case against the seller. The roof was replaced in January. OP bought the house in March and agreed to use the old inspection report. The sellers would just say (whether it's true or not), "We had no idea there was a problem. The roof was just replaced and the inspection report said it was fine." OP would have to be able to prove the seller knew the work was shoddy.

I'm not a lawyer, but I went through the same thing as OP, so I heard this from several lawyers I consulted.


Courageous_Chameleon t1_ixzpcq3 wrote

He's not a street preacher. He's a man with serious mental health issues who has been kicked out of bars for hate speech, sexual harrassment, and fighting.

Editing to add: he is ill enough that his ability to consent to participate in your project in questionable. I would seriously consider whether that would make this exploitation of a person with mental illness.


Courageous_Chameleon t1_ixae5l9 wrote

Also a transplant. One unique thing about Pittsburgh is that neighborhoods can vary a lot block-to-block. I recommend visiting the actual block you plan to live on a few times on different days and times to get a feel for what it's like before you commit to a place.

Also, the rain here is no joke sometimes. If you decide to buy a house, pay attention to potential drainage issues. It is shitty to deal with your basement repeatedly flooding.

Lastly, I am not sure where you're coming from, but compared to other urban areas, I have found our public transportation less accessible. Fewer busses, especially during evenings and weekends. If you are planning to commute to work by bus, look up the nearest stop and how often the busses run.