
CowHuman7223 t1_ix5iq83 wrote

Reply to comment by ReasonableLiving5958 in Vermont Native by brymandog

Vermont was considered a red state from the 1860's until the 1980's. And "take back Vermont" was a slogan against civil unions, not a slogan for the Republican party. But go off genius. So you're still wrong. And fuck Trump.


CowHuman7223 t1_ix0h815 wrote

Hey, I'm the same age as you and I agree. Vermont has changed so rapidly and yet so many people are either blind or refuse to see it. Somehow the idea that Vermont is the land of ultra progressive ideas and the home of socialist Bernie has brought people with radically different beliefs into the state. Vermont was once a "red" state, but even back then Vermont republican and Democrats were so similar it'd be difficult to tell the difference. Farmer Democrats used to make up the bulk of voters, and were totally different from the current imported Democrats. Vermonters used to be known for being kind, hard working people. Now they're just seen as east cost Portland. It's sad. I miss the old Vermont.


CowHuman7223 t1_iszn5be wrote

I honestly can't wait for prop 5 to pass. No one is talking about how this will legally bolster 2nd amendment arguments against Vermont's gun laws. Prepare to see magazine restrictions lifted and private sales without a background check once agin...
