
CowboyInTheBoatOfRaa t1_j70tlcg wrote

Yeah, I've only gotten about a hundred pages further than you - and I've given up, at least for a while. Which is a real shame - I was so excited for this book, that I ordered it as soon as it was available from Penguin India, when it was still called 'Chats With The Dead'. I've tried to read it several times now, and I just can't stay engaged. The whole situation with this book is baffling to me, I absolutely love his previous novel, 'The Legend of Pradeep Mathew's - it's in my top-10, maybe top-5, I love Karunatilaka's articles, and the premise of 'Seven Moons' is really intriguing to me - but it's just not working for me - and then it wins the Booker? I mean, don't get me wrong, I'm super-happy that he won & is getting more recognition - I'm just somewhat befuddled that he got the Booker for this novel, when his last book was so much better, imo. Maybe that's part of why they gave the award to him now - trying to rectify the oversight kinda-thing. So, yeah, unfortunately I can't say that I stuck it out much further, even though it's from one of my favorite authors. But, you can read 'Pradeep Mathew' instead, that book is so worth the time! Even though it's kinda-sorta about cricket, and is even more non-linear, I was hooked just a few pages in, and I've re-read it a dozen times since!