
CrabmanIndustries t1_j9vs7ie wrote

I never understood these arguments. Yes those were horrible crimes and we should have police patrols on foot. But did the suspects enter and escape using public transit? Because if not, then it would be irrelevant right? People can come in and out of Towson, it is not the method of transportation that is the problem.


CrabmanIndustries t1_iy1mvds wrote

Should have said five years but

As for federal employees, you are vested in your employer match after 3 years and you must work at least 5 years with the Federal Government before you are eligible for a FERS Federal Pension, and for every year you work, you will be eligible for at least 1% of your High-3 Average Salary History.

Normally when I hear pension, I expect it to begin at age 62, not while you are of working age. Maybe we have different expectations of the word.


CrabmanIndustries t1_ixzigx6 wrote

I don't see a problem. We lowered term limits so it only makes sense to lower the vesting years.

Plenty of jobs give pensions after five years. Police, military, and all federal positions. It might not be a full pension but you get a percentage times years of service.

Hopefully we will see the term limits over turned by the next election and then we can talk about returning the old pension requirements. Term limits empower lobbyists and weaken local oversight.