
Cradled_In_Space t1_isdcptw wrote

The whole concept of 'resisting desire' always bothered me because when you think it through 'resisting to desire' is just 'desiring to not desire.'

My desires are what makes me human, it's what makes life fun, interesting, and gives me something to live for. As long as my desires don't hurt someone else I don't see anything wrong with them.

If you want to 'reduce suffering' we need to teach ourselves how 'not to care so much' if our desires don't come true. For instance, thjat girl we were totally crushing on didn't like us back. So now we suffer, but we can 'suffer through it' by realizing that there are plenty of other girls out there that may even be better or more suited for us as individuals; plenty more fish in the see and all that.

This notion of desire being 'a problem' really isn't a problem, it's what makes life interesting in my view.