
CrashRiot t1_itlfl17 wrote

Honestly it’s a lot more complex than that. It’s true that most conspiracy theorists are somewhat delusional or misinformed, but some do actually turn out to be true.

For example, during prohibition if someone stood up and said, “I got sick from drinking alcohol. The government is poisoning me!”, most of us would assume they were a nuts conspiracy theorist.

We would be wrong. The government purposefully increased methanol without notice in industrial alcohols to get people to stop drinking. It killed up to 10000 people.

If in the 50s and 60s someone were to say, “the CIA has been performing mind experiments on me!”, again, we’d often consider them crazy conspiracy theorists.

We would be wrong. This became known as MKULTRA, perhaps the most infamous “conspiracy theory” in US history.

Point is, it’s not always delusional. Most of the time? Almost certainly. But definitely there are multiple “true” conspiracies.