
Credit2reddit t1_j23xigp wrote

Reply to Xmas trees by ValiMeyers

Replace all the ornaments with 20 dollar bills, attached in such a way that they have to spend some time getting them all off.

Not only will your tree get taken, but it will likely get "the royal treatment" (AKA ride inside of or on top of the truck).


Credit2reddit t1_ixm70bs wrote

Because, as nothing more than human cattle, you have no say in how you're handled during transport and where you're being transported to.

Doubt this? Try saying something about it. Go ahead. See how far you get. I guarantee that it will have the same effect as a cow's mooing has on the ranchers.

The TWU calls the shots in this system. They have you and SEPTA by the short hairs.

So sit down and enjoy the ride. Or don't. It's all the same to them.
