
CreditBuilding205 t1_jczzp7h wrote

Illegal guns used in crimes are much more likely to come from southern states with loose gun laws. They track this. It’s just a simple fact.

People aren’t driving down to Georgia to buy guns because it’s a fun road trip. They do it because the laws down there make it easier to traffic guns without getting caught.


CreditBuilding205 t1_jczvshn wrote

People often get shot at memorial services for victims of gun violence. The original victim had enemies who do not believe the victim should be celebrated. They didn’t kill the victim because they thought he was a swell guy. The enemies do not like the victim’s friends.

The new victim here was present when his friend was killed 10 years ago. They were involved with drugs, and were following the guy who shot at them. The guy claimed self defense. This new victim also eventually testified, after first refusing to do so.

I obviously don’t know. But It’s not very hard to imagine This new victim said something about his friend or himself or his friend’s killer that someone objected to. Or that someone else said something he objected to.


CreditBuilding205 t1_j9hazrm wrote

> Assuming the description given is accurate.

The reporter is getting this description from an anonymous source without having seen the footage themselves. Presumably that source is a police officer or FBI agent who would have every reason to paint the FBI agent’s actions charitably.

I would not take an anonymous 2nd hand account as the definitive story.


CreditBuilding205 t1_j665fvz wrote

Which makes this whole story pretty questionable.

I mean, anything is possible I guess. But this is a teacher with a masters degree. They are likely making 60-80k. The idea that they are willing to publicly promise to give a failing student an ‘A’ for $30 is pretty far fetched.

The idea that they provided the students with an exact $ to grade increase ratio is more far fetched.

The only evidence is the word of a student who was failing HS biology.


CreditBuilding205 t1_iwx807w wrote

There is no bill where Philly PD can’t pull you over for “this nonsense” and there never has been such a bill.

It is illegal in Philly if your car does not have a real and readable license plate there is no restriction whatsoever on the police pulling you over the second they see you and issuing you a ticket on the spot.

The only thing stopping the Philly PD from dealing with fake and obscured license plates is that they don’t feel like it.

The bill you are thinking of stops the cops from pulling people over for license plates that are real and readable but have other less pressing issues. Like expired emissions tags. They can still write tickets for these things, they just can’t pull people over just to do so.