
Crembels t1_j6uzwxx wrote

No, it would pretty much be a manicured playground for rich people and retirees, especially if its the kind of city that is capable of moving around.

Travelling to and from it would be needlessly difficult and the social scene of it would suffer as a result. Land based cities have people constantly moving in and out of them, travel is simple and logistics are more easily dealt with. What kind of live music scene would such a city have? Schools? Universities? Many cultural things we take for granted in current cities grew naturally due to the sheer amount of different people finding themselves living in them, eg. my city has a famous coffee and cafe culture due to all the Italian and Greek immigrants from after WW2.

A floating, constructed city is going to by nessesity be far more restrictive with both the number and type of people who can move into it. How would such cultural scenes develop, if they would at all, without being plasticy astroturfed "initiatives" by the controlling corporation?

On that note, a corporation leading this also gives a bad taste in my mouth. It would be a presige project for them, and would be tightly controlled as a result. Actual cities are organic things that grow, shrink, experience unrest and calm. A city like this would be a funding hole and moneymaking scheme and likely riddled with extremely invasive surveilance technology under the guise of "serving your needs" that you'd have to agree to in order to live there, but is just a means to excise anyone the corporate entity deems "subversive".


Crembels t1_j00b7nz wrote

As a bird owner, birds get itchy. Beards and stubble are a perfect scratching post for them to rub their faces on that they cant itch themselves via their beaks. My bird for sure LOVES being scratched in that area around her beak and near her eyes/cheeks.

Its cute as fuck either way. But im willing to bet the kiss from the dude left an irritating feeling on the birb and it was doing what it could to releive itself since it trusts him.


Crembels t1_iwjy2id wrote

I was expecting you to mean those 3D graphical transitions shows have between scenes, which in my experiences have usually always been quick, clean and high quality.

I was absolutly not prepared at all for that.

For real though, sounds like a great excuse for NFL 3D designers to just have a bit of fun in between doing the more boring "serious" animations. As long as the stats are clear, anything else in the background goes and if its funny then all the better.