
Crimbobimbobippitybo t1_jefqu48 wrote

Metric expansion is incredibly weak over distances smaller than galaxy clusters, so you just don't see any local changes. Gravity can easily overwhelm metric expansion, although if metric expansion continues to accelerate indefinitely, you end up with a "Big Rip" scenario.


Crimbobimbobippitybo t1_jdw4uat wrote


Crimbobimbobippitybo t1_jdw4big wrote

The problem with this is that it pits Sunak and the Tories against the EU, and that is a VERY favorable position for the right wing here. They love to pretend that they're fighting for some vision of our sovereignty, rather than being bastards.

To be clear, something needs to be done about the current system of asylum, but unilateral and draconian measures designed for political theater don't help.


Crimbobimbobippitybo t1_jdw3nzv wrote

What part of:

> That doesn't mean that she's wrong about this, but without more information regarding the nature and context of the searches

Sounded to you like:

> The police would never abuse their power though


Crimbobimbobippitybo t1_jdvvp0q wrote

Annie would say pretty much anything if she thought it would get rid of Macron and leave an opening for Mélenchon, she's as left as it gets. That doesn't mean that she's wrong about this, but without more information regarding the nature and context of the searches, this sounds a lot like her usual brand of politics, i.e. throwing bombs.


Crimbobimbobippitybo t1_jdswpit wrote

You know what it's called when you borrow someone's child without their permission?


Promising to return the children you stole "when it's safe" sounds a lot like a threat to never return them. "Stop fighting our invasion and you might see your children again" is probably the real message.

Sick bastards