
CrispyApparition3568 t1_j31z9f5 wrote

Before downvoting me, please understand I realize snow and winter is a necessary cycle in the region.

Do I miss it? Not really. I don't ski anymore, as I'm physically unable. I don't have snowmobiles or ATVs. And I generally dislike cold weather (anything below 15°F). I'm one who finds winter depressing. Overcast skies for days on end, cold and uncomfortable, short days and long nights... it affects me.

HOWEVER, I do know it is needed for many reasons. Ecosystem being the main reason, of course. And seeing Vermont's biggest tourism drive is skiing and winter sports, yeah, it's needed. (Obviously, there is more to it than the ecosystem or skiing. I am just giving very simple examples.)


CrispyApparition3568 t1_j1kfz8x wrote

According to my app, 6°F in Washington, windchill -7°F But according to the thermometer on the porch, it's 0°F... and since I'm near top of a mountain, I believe my thermometer.

Currently heating with just the woodstove, which isn't so bad. Eating sandwiches and breakfast cereal for 2 days sucks (and likely for another 2 days). But not having running water is the biggest annoyance. And of course, Christmas dinner is screwed...

Edit: spelling


CrispyApparition3568 t1_iui1y6x wrote

Reply to comment by woburnite in Who is Malloy anyway? by cdrknives

That's not so bad.... I get texts from NY, California, and VT.

My cell phone number I've had for years. I lived in Northern NY State, so I have a 518 area code. Then I lived in California for a couple years, and finally moved back East and settled in VT.

I just block all of them when I get texts. I'm sick of all of them. I feel 98.5% of politicians are just crappy people. And I absolutely hate the politicking that goes on and on, seemingly unstopping, just continuing on from one election year to the next.