
Crystal1501 t1_jdsh2yj wrote

"Successful mission" I grin.

"You sure enjoy being a thief, huh?" Harleen giggles.

I give her a playful punch on the arm. "Does it count as stealing when we're retrieving stolen goods?"

"Least we got a cut" Farjoh chimes.

Everyone looks at him. "We didn't get a 'cut', this was simply our payment for the job" I state firmly.

"Dargo's right" Sprax concurs. "We're adventurers, available for hire, not bandits."

"Wait." Lariot leaps forward. "Something... something's wrong..."

"How can you tell?" Harleen walks next to him.

"I can sense it. I can hear the evil whispers." Lariot continues forward cautiously. The rest of us follow.

I spot something on the ground. I pick it up. "A tuft of fur. The softness and weight, along with the colouring, indicates this is from a deer. I see a bit of red. Must be blood." I glance at my team. "Someone been hunting here?"

"No. If it were a simple hunt, I wouldn't be so wary. The whispers are coming from the building." Lariot enters the sleeping quarters. A loud gasp grabs our attention. "You all need to see this!"

We all dash in. I almost collapse. On my bed, is blood. A lot of blood. I slowly walk over, examining it. "More tufts of fur. Soaked through completely." I look at the fur in my hand. "Someone brought a deer inside, cut into it, and covered my bed in its blood. They're sending a message." I turn to Lariot with terrified eyes. "Whoever did this... wants me dead."

"Dargo, please, don't panic." Lariot uses his calming voice. I focus on him. "You're safe. You're safe."

I whisper the words to myself. I smile. "Thank you. I needed that."

"We need a new base" Sprax declares.

I hang my head in shame. "I'm sorry..."

"Oh, don't worry, this is the third time this year! People are always trying to kill us! Lead the way, Sprax!" Harleen gets behind him, and he starts walking.

I know it's no use trying to separate myself, so I follow along, hoping I don't cause more trouble.

We spend a couple hours walking until we reach our destination. A slightly smaller area with its own 'training ring'. No building for sleeping, makeshift tents are set up instead. "Miss this one! This is really a good area to spread my wings!" Farjoh smirks, before becoming an eagle.

"We have several places around the city. When we get targeted, we move to another base. Here's our new location until we're found again." Sprax gestures Lariot and I to follow into the base proper.

I linger slightly, staring out at the city. "Someone's after me" I mumble. "This is why I don't make 'friends'." I follow the pair, contemplating what to do...


This story is a part of my series, A Thief's Honour. Please check it out!


Crystal1501 t1_jda71rb wrote

INFO - Everyone knows what five year olds are like, of course a TYPICAL five year old shouldn't be in charge of anything that can break, but everyone knows that once in a blue moon, you get a child whose wisdom is closer to that of a 100 year old. What is he like as a person? Does he get into trouble, or is he really well behaved? Does he know how to share? Has he been responsible for something before and done a good job? Is he kind, caring and looking out for others? Just want a feel for his character.


Crystal1501 t1_jda3w0a wrote

I'm sitting down at a large dining table, eating with Scarlett and her dad, Drain. "You feeling comfortable over there?" Drain chuckles.

I smile slyly. "Could be worse." Drain has a very strong distrust of humans, whereas Scarlett wants a human as her boyfriend. The solution was to make sure I was under Scarlett's control, which she was more than happy about. I'm forced to wear things from Drain's 'anti-human gear' collection, including a chastity belt, which Scarlett has the key for, and a 'body guard', which is basically a thin metal plate that covers my chest, stomach and back. It's very lightweight, quite comfortable to wear due to being soft inside, and made of an aluminium alloy on the outside to protect my 'fragile body', as Drain says, and also to reflect heat.

The catch? It's controlled from a remote. The soft material can switch to thousands of tiny needles. The material can also be set to 'massage' me, literally OR in a way I'm being tickled. The guard being electrified also means I can be zapped without warning. I wouldn't have even TOUCHED this thing if I didn't trust Scarlett.

I'm also wearing something on my wrists - 'cuff bracelets' I believe. Scarlett can attach a 'leash' onto them. She said she'd hold my hand when she does it so people don't see, but it DOES mean that if I try to run, people would notice... and I wouldn't get far.

Lastly, on my upper arm, a 'blood pump' is attached. The idea is there's a button on it, which, when pushed, a needle will draw blood until a small, discreet vial is filled. Scarlett can then remove the vial and drink the blood. It's actually fairly painless, and at least I don't need to be bitten.

Drain nods. "You certainly could be. You've seen humans kept as 'blood tanks', at least you have your freedom."

"Not really" I grin, showing I mean it as a joke.

Scarlett playfully pinches my arm. "Don't worry Gavie, I won't stop you from having fun!"

I giggle slightly. "Gavie?"

"Don't like that?" Scarlett seems disappointed.

I look at Drain. He's maintaining a neutral expression. I decide I can be honest. "I don't HATE it, but I do prefer to just be called 'Gavin'."

I glance at Drain again. His expression has barely changed, the tiny smirk barely noticeable. I wonder for a moment if I'm in trouble, but Scarlett nods and smiles. "Ok, Gavin." She leans in to kiss me. Ok, that's what the smirk was for.

"I have to say, son, I never thought I could trust another human after what happened 400 years ago... but you're seeming more and more genuine."

I smile shyly at Drain. "Thank you, sir, I- wait, 400 years?"

"Yes" he states firmly. "I was once amongst your kind, believe it or not. I remind Scarlett about her mum as something she can relate to regarding humans, but I never trusted them again after being betrayed by one of you... 400 years ago..."

I just blink at him. "400 years… that’s a long time to hate someone... what on earth happened?"

Drain screws his eyes shut, sighs heavily, then nods and opens his eyes, fixing his gaze on me. "Very well, I'll tell you, but it's not pretty..."


This story is a part of my series, My Roommate is a Vampire. Please check it out!


Crystal1501 OP t1_jc50nbe wrote