
CupcakeAssassin t1_j7ickho wrote

Replying to the edit! That is super interesting. Is that why sleep walkers get violent when someone attempts to wake them up? I don’t know if it is a myth, but I have always seen in a bunch of places that you are not supposed to wake someone up who is sleep walking. In this instance too, someone acting out their dreams while still in bed.

Side note, I have always heard stories of elderly people or people near death talking and or moving in their sleep a lot. This seems interestingly related. I guess since a small factor of Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s exists in my family tree, I know an early symptom I should look out for.


CupcakeAssassin t1_j7gzuey wrote

Sooo, I am but a simple man. If someone much smarter than me can explain this in layman terms, it would be much appreciated. Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s has run in a few members of my extended family, info on it would be helpful.