
CuriousPenguinSocks t1_iu9j3c6 wrote

I never realized how much racism I was exposed to till I left TX for Cali (went to school there). I realized how much racism I had, it was sobering to me. I thought I was so open minded but I guess I was, I just needed to learn.

The denial or really the outright gaslighting is what I can't stand. My parents did this to me, they were extremely abusive, and I'm still unpacking all the damage. I can't stand anyone who will gaslight.


CuriousPenguinSocks t1_iu97ru9 wrote

I never thought I would live to see times like this. I'm also in Western WA, grew up in TX though so I'm used to the idiots I guess.

My spouse is from Indiana and has family still there, I feel for them, they are moderate Dems but they have open minds and love to have actual debates to learn.