
CuriousPlato t1_jcn7w5o wrote

I feel like half of the items in the Giant at Van Ness metro stop is always 2 for 1 or on clearance sale. I always wonder if its cause no one is ever in that Giant. Point being perhaps checking out the Van Ness Giant? Everything is always on sale, especially if you shop there in the middle of the week.


CuriousPlato t1_iuy0b8j wrote

On Wisconsin if you're talking about the lights that are not permanently on, but turn on when a pedestrian crosses the street, the flashing red means yield? There is a big sign on each of the lights that says stop on red and proceed on flashing red. It's really confusing, I drive on this road like 4 or 5 times a week, it took me a while to get used to it. Link below should take you to the sign.


CuriousPlato t1_itmi0ov wrote

Also set up an inspection with DCRA. It may take a few weeks to get an inspector out, but they'll issue fines for all the violations that your landlord refuses to address. I did that a few years ago, my apartment had a mouse problem the landlord refused to address. DCRA issued the landlord a fine of $900 and demanded the landlord hire an exterminator to deal with the issue.