
DJfreecell t1_jdh87z5 wrote

100% this. I got bullied in middle school and my mom always preached turn the other cheek. Talk it out bla bla bla. This works for most adults 20+ but I got harassed alot till I decided to fight back in high school. You'd be surprised how many ass holes love to throw punches, kick and push people around but if they get hit once they learn they can't get away with it and stop entirely.

EDIT: this girls response to someone kicking her chair was a bit much imo. But the people talking about civility must have had some privileged upbringings. Or maybe schools have changed since the early 2000s and bullying isn't as extreme or something.


DJfreecell t1_jdh7ie9 wrote

As an civil adult I agree but sadly this mentality IN MY OPINION, strictly my opinion is why scammers, liars, theives and just shitty people in general do shit and get away with it. If someone lesrns they risk physical harm on themselves for invading a person's space they are much less likely to do that act again. But once again just my opinion.

Turning the other cheek to a bully only lets someone else or your self get bullied again later. Even if they were only kicking a chair and being annoying they'll think twice before bothering someone like that again. They fucked around and found out.