
DMPunk t1_jcktvar wrote

Its interesting that they're leaning so heavily on DS9 for this season when little bits of plot and dialogue suggests that the writers haven't actually watched DS9. Like in this week's episode where Riker says the Maquis aren't the enemy anymore. Which is technically true, but an odd way to phrase it since the Maquis were exterminated by the Jem'Hadar. They're not the enemy anymore because they're all dead. And Riker's statement that Changelings can only do surface details but not the deeper changes, which is just straight up not true. Maybe it's just that Riker is a complete idiot?


DMPunk t1_jae5j2i wrote

Reply to comment by kronicfeld in The X-Files by CTFX84

> "I'm not going anywhere until I talk to my lawyer."

> "Okay, who's your lawyer?"

> "I represent myself."

That whole scene lives in my head rent-free


DMPunk t1_j642982 wrote

I've never liked any of the Doctor Who spin-offs and I don't understand them conceptually. The only thing that the show has ever positioned as being important is the Doctor, and whoever his companion is at the time. And given the nature of the show, there isn't the sort of cohesion that lends itself to the kind of franchise RTD wants it to be. It's too big and too random, with no internal consistency. And it's also the kind of show where the spin-offs would be subordinate to the main show. With Star Trek for instance, each spin-off stands equal to the others. I can't see that happening here, which makes you wonder why bother?

Alllllllllll that being said, if one of the spin-offs is a show called Master What about the Master and his companions flying around time and space starting shit, I would be very into that.