
DMike82 t1_itnbiqv wrote

Yeah, the succession before the events of the series goes Aegon I --> Aenys --> Maegor the Cruel (Aegon's sons) --> Jahaerys I (Aenys's surviving son) --> Viserys I (Jahaerys's grandson). All of them have their stories told in the book before the events of the Dance of the Dragons even begins to be told.

Fire and Blood is basically a biography of the Targaryen dynasty from Aegon the Conqueror up to one of Viserys's grandsons. The next volume (if it ever comes out) is supposed to follow the succeeding generations up to the events of the books.


DMike82 t1_itn7ecm wrote

Also the show changed how Ser CrIncel Cole killed Lord Beesbury during the Green Council meeting. In the books it's debated whether he slit Lyman's throat or threw him out of a window, whereas in the show he just slammed the guy's head into the table.


DMike82 t1_itn74ro wrote

> Do we know if the show is the whole book, or just the events that follow this group of ppl?

Just the events that follow this group of people. Viserys was the fifth king of the Seven Kingdoms and the book covers the first four's stories before we even get to any of this.