
Daihatschi t1_jee15f6 wrote

> though I wish it was longer so some scenes could have played out a bit longer like in the book.

That reminds me of someone who said, I think about the Dune movie:

>Is it good? Yes. Is it everything I wanted? No. But the only version of the story that could ever satisfy my needs would be 6-hours long and probably unwatchable for the majority of people out there.

I understand that feeling very much.


Daihatschi t1_jedztlh wrote

The movie is probably the best film adaptation of a novel I have ever seen. Truly captures the energy and feel of the book, stays true to many of its parts and where it cuts and changes it does so for good reasons and respect of the source. And I kind of find the ending funny, as the characters all tell Whatney that his plan is stupid and only works in Hollywood movies, and then in the Hollywood movie he actually gets to do it. I've read of many who don't like it but I really like it. Probably because I saw the film first and then got a good laugh about it in the book.

That said, Book is amazing and absolutely worth the read.


Daihatschi t1_j6jif8v wrote

I was fascinated by how visceral I felt for the characters when they were talking about nothing but ketchup and lennie getting angry at imaginary people harming imaginary rabbits.

I don't know what it is in the writing. But I was for a few moments completely immersed.

So far its my only Steinbeck because I'm kind of afraid to read another one. They sound emotionally exhausting.