
Dain42 t1_ja6seb3 wrote

Nobody enjoys working, especially not the sort of service industry jobs that minors can get.

The clue is that they have to pay you to be there.

Also, your comment is basically just a Gish Gallop. Specious, bad faith arguments just whizzing by like telephone poles along the highway.

But, actually, just to pick the strangest one you included: hell no, 6am swim practices shouldn't be allowed!! Kids would have to be getting up around 5a to get there and be ready, so to get adequate sleep, they'd need to be getting to bed around 8 or 9 the previous night, something I guarantee highschool-aged kids are not going to be doing.

Extracurriculars shouldn't actively detract from academics. That's the same reason we regulate working conditions for minors the way we do, actually: so we don't detract from their education.